
Sunday, August 23, 2009

woot, apartment!

We found housing! It worked out so well. Myles, Adam and I were walking back from a restaurant and stopped to read a sign in Arabic. There was one word that we didn't understand, so an older couple who was sitting under the sign explained it to us. We began talking to them, and found out that they work at a tiny school teaching Arabic and own an art shop as well. We asked them a bunch of questions about learning amayya, and slipped in that we were looking for a place to live for about 4 months. The woman, Nada, walked over with us to a house, even though it was around midnight, and introduced us to the family who owned it. On the roof of the house, there are 3 rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom, as well as this whole open area with chairs and a table. Myles, Adam and I will all have our own rooms (while still living together), be staying with such a nice, friendly family, in the middle of the Old City.

The family is made up of a mom, dad, at least three girls (I think we've only met two?), and two boys. All of the "children" from the family are actually in their late twenties and thirties. They are exceptionally nice, like basically everyone we've met here. We also met Nada's two sons yesterday, Ivan and Simon, who are probably around our age. We might go out with them tonight... haha maybe we have friends?

Also, facebook works sometimes. And gchat works. So. Happy. I'm talking to Amandi right now :)

Tomorrow Myles and I might actually try to fast for Ramadan. Ramadan began on the first real day we got here, but we've been able to eat inside during the day. The Old City is made up mostly of Christians, so we haven't really faced any barriers in terms of food. I didn't know that even drinking water is prohibited during Ramadan... dunno how that part will work out. No water might be hard when it's like 100 degrees...

1 comment:

  1. i am so proud of you! you are so much brave than i could ever be with regards to moving to a foreign country sans an inkling of where you'll live... then, you do a fantastic job of finding somewhere to live on your own! please send me your mailing address when you can so that i can send you kids postcards and letters from south africa! :)
